FCI Euro Sighthound show


Daily schedule
08:00-9:30 Presentation
10:00 Judging
14:00 Main ring competition

ENTRY LIST can be found in your online menu at clubdogshow.sk. It is necessary to print it, it is not enough to prove it in electronic form.

It remains until the shows:


General Sponsor


Change of judges reserved! Click on the judge’s picture to view his CV.

Bitte Ahrens, IT
Bitte Ahrens, ITSaturday 05.08.2023
Pharaon, Whippet males, Silken Windsprit
Willem Buitenkamp, NL
Willem Buitenkamp, NLSaturday 05.08.2023
Saluki, PLI Italian greyhound
Marie-Christine Amand, BE
Marie-Christine Amand, BESaturday 05.08.2023
Afghan Hound, Whippet females, BOB Whippet
Pascal Thiery, FR
Pascal Thiery, FRSaturday 05.08.2023
Azawakh, Greyhound, IW, Sloughi
Martin Baskaran, ES
Martin Baskaran, ESSaturday 05.08.2023
Barzoi, Deerhound, Galgo Español, Chart Polski, Magyar agár, Cirneco dell‘Etna, Podengo Ibicenco, Podengo Portugues

Online entry is closed


Baby class – 3 – 6 months
Puppy class – 6 – 9 months
Junior class – 9 – 18 months
Intermediate class – 15 – 24 months
Open class – od 15 months
Working class – above 15 months old (working certificate)
Champion class -above 15 months (with champion certificate)
Veteran class – above 8 years old
Honour class – for Ch, Ich, Club winner or National winner

Titles and awarding



The best brace – an owner can enter his/her male and female of the same breed that have been both judged at the show to this final ring competition. The way the brace is balanced, while still the standards on gender expression are observed, is evaluated.
The best breeder’s group – a breeder can enter three dogs of the same breed from his breeding to this final ring competition. The dogs don’t necessarily need to be in his/her ownership, but all need to have been judged at the show. The dogs must come from the same kennel and they need to come from various litters, but from two various sires or dams at least. Presented males and females are judged for balanced type, colour, quality, etc.
Junior Handling – from 9 to 17 years.

Final competitions

Baby BIS – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Puppy BIS – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Junior BIS – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Veteran BIS – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
BIS Honour classes – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
BIS Working classes – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Best brace – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Best Breeding Groug – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Child and Dog
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place

Entry online only

Reviews will be written at the show.
By submitting the entry of his/her dog the exhibitor is obliged to abide by the SKJ show regulations and Slovak veterinary rules. The exhibitor is giving his/ her permission to publish his/her adress in the exhibition catalog and on the website of the organizer. He/she also agrees with publishing pictures, results and critiques of his/her dog as much as needed by the organizer, the SKJ or partners of the show. The entry of a dog is financially binding.
By registering a dog, the exhibitor undertakes to pay all fees.

WP DataTables

Bank account: SLSP a.s. 0011468215/0900
SK27 0900 0000 0000 1146 8215,
VS: 082023, note: exhibitors name

Show Ground

Castle Mojmírovce, www.kastielmojmirovce.sk


Ranč Nové sedlo, Cabaj-Čápor – www.rancns.sk
Hotel Thermal, Kesov – www.thermalnitrava.sk
Pension L, Poľný Kesov –www.megaubytovanie.sk/penzion-l
Privár Pereš, Cabaj-Čápor – www.megaubytovanie.sk/privat-peres
Hostel “Ubytuj sa”, Cabaj-Čápor – www.megaubytovanie.sk/ubytovna-ubytujsa


Caravans are welcome! 40,- €/day.

Dinner party

Saturday, 05.08.2023 evening. From 7 pm. Price for 1 person 20€. /Aperitif, appetizer, main course, dessert, wine/

Entry on address: gandamak1@gmail.com

General provisions

The show is organized according to the reglements of SKJ and the regulations issued by the organizer. Only individuals registered in the studbooks recognized by the FCI can take part in the show. A readable copy of the dog’s original pedigree must be attached to each application. Each entered dog registered must have a pedigree, proof of registration (puppy card) is not enough. Applications for dogs for which the pedigree certificate issued by the FCI-recognized studbook will not be uploaded to the online system will be automatically deleted (this also applies to minor puppy and puppy classes). The organizer has the right not to accept the application without stating the reason. It is not possible to enter a dog on the day of the show. It is not possible to transfer a dog to another class on the day of the show. If the show is not held for reasons beyond the control of the organizer, the entry fees will be used to cover the incurred costs.

The judge is obliged to exclude aggressive dogs from judging. Provoking dogs against each other is not allowed. The use of sprays, powders and other cosmetic products is prohibited. Double handling of dogs from outside of the ring is prohibited. It is strictly forbidden to leave dogs tied up on trimming tables except the time they are being prepared for the show (trimmed, brushed or combed). Violation of these prohibitions may result in the exclusion of the dog from the show. The reason why the jugement of UNABLE TO ASSESS was entered must be stated in the assessment.

The judges judge according to valid breed standards issued by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI). The judge may refuse to judge a dog that enters the ring late. The judge is obliged to refuse to judge a dog whose owner does not present the dog’s pedigree at the request of the ring steward.

The sale of puppies at the exhibition is strictly prohibited!

The organizer is not responsible for damages caused by the dog or the dog. The owner is responsible himself
for all damages caused by his dog. Free running of dogs around the showground is prohibited.

The exhibitor is responsible for the well-being of his dog at the show. He must not expose him to situations that could endanger his health or even his life, e.g. leave it in the car in extreme winter or heat or treat it cruelly. Anyone who violates these principles will be excluded from this and subsequent shows.

The exhibitor by entering the dog for the show as a person concerned in accordance with § 13 of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data, gives its consent to the organizer for the processing of his personal data (name, surname) and agrees to their publication (name, surname), photo documentation and results of the show on the organizer’s website.

The organizer has the right not to allow the exhibitor to participate in the show (whether in the breed ring or in the final ring), if the exhibitor does not use and properly wear the correct and visible catalog number of the individual he is exhibiting!

Veterinary regulations

Dogs from abroad must have a PET PASSPORT with valid vaccinations. We would like to ask and recommend that dogs have a vaccination against kennel cough.

Club Show SKCHCH


Daily schedule
08:00-9:30 Entry | 10:00 Judging | 14:00 Final competitions | 19:00 Dinner party

Change of judges reserved! Click on the judge’s picture to view his CV.

Bitte Ahrens, IT
Bitte Ahrens, ITSunday 06.08.2023
Chart Polsky, Magyar agár, Whippet females, BOB Whippet
Pascal Thiery, FR
Pascal Thiery, FRSunday 06.08.2023
Afghan Hound, Galgo Español, PLI Italian greyhound, Cirneco dell‘Etna, Podengo Ibicenco, Podengo Portugues
Marie-Christine Amand, BE
Marie-Christine Amand, BESunday 06.08.2023
Pharaon, Whippet males, Silken Windsprit
Willem Buitenkamp, NL
Willem Buitenkamp, NLSunday 06.08.2023
Azawakh, Barzoj, Deerhound, Sloughi
Entry online only

Online entry is closed


Reviews will be written at the show.
By submitting the entry of his/her dog the exhibitor is obliged to abide by the SKJ show regulations and Slovak veterinary rules. The exhibitor is giving his/ her permission to publish his/her adress in the exhibition catalog and on the website of the organizer. He/she also agrees with publishing pictures, results and critiques of his/her dog as much as needed by the organizer, the SKJ or partners of the show. The entry of a dog is financially binding. By registering a dog, the exhibitor undertakes to pay all fees.

WP DataTables

Sunaday, 06.08.2023 Judge Tibor Havelka. Prihláška.
. . .


Club Winner 2023 (CW 2023)
Club Junior Winner 2023 (CJW 2023)
CJW 2023 = CAJC
Club Winner 2023 – postupujú CAC jedince z triedy strednej, otvorenej, pracovnej, šampiónov a víťazi triedy čestnej
BOB – postupujú Junior BOB, KV 2023 (pes + sučka) a víťazi triedy veteránov
BOS – a dog or a female of the opposite sex to BOB is promoted.


The best brace – an owner can enter his/her male and female of the same breed that have been both judged at the show to this final ring competition. The way the brace is balanced, while still the standards on gender expression are observed, is evaluated.
The best breeder’s group – a breeder can enter three dogs of the same breed from his breeding to this final ring competition. The dogs don’t necessarily need to be in his/her ownership, but all need to have been judged at the show. The dogs must come from the same kennel and they need to come from various litters, but from two various sires or dams at least. Presented males and females are judged for balanced type, colour, quality, etc.
Junior handling – from 9 to 17 years.

Final competitions

Baby BIS – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Puppy BIS
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Junior BIS
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Veteran BIS
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
BIS Honour classes
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
BIS Working classes – 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Best couple
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Best Breeding Group
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Child and Dog
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
SUPREME BEST IN SHOW – (only Sunday)
In the competition Supreme Best in Show compete all winners from Saturday and Sunday: Best minor puppies, Best puppies, Best veterans, Winners of honour classes, BIS Juniors and BIS winners.